Masters Game Academy

We have all been there, playing those cool video and mobile games like Mario and GTA in our childhood and those memories remain an enticing part of it. As we grew up, the level of games went from Old-school like Contra to the new era of fascination like PUBG...... read more

Gaming in India and Scope of Game Development in India

From recent years, tremendous growth has been seen in the India's video gaming industry, thereby now it has turned into a serious profession. With the world getting more and more digitally occupied, Gaming has become the ultimate passion of the youth of India. ...... read more

The Rise of E-Sports India!

Online gaming in India has come a long way from a time when online games were merely an activity to kill time to being at the verge of becoming an almost 2 Billion Dollar Industry by 2022. In fiscal year 2019, there were 300 million online gamers in India. This number was estimated to go up to 440 million gamers by fiscal year 2022. ...... read more

Why Indian Indie Developers unable to produce BIG TITLES ?

Game Developing in India has taken its Big Break in the Indian markets very recently. Thanks to the Digital India Campaigns, India is now recognized as one of the top markets of Online Games. It’s conspicuous that soon India will emerge as a Global Leader...... read more

why to hire dedicated game tester?

Sometimes a developer might not be an avid gamer but has the skill to develop and design awesome games. In such a case.... read more